Garrett Hand Held Body Scanner

Day Hire

Super Scanner Metal Detector

A long-time favourite of security and law enforcement professionals around the world, the Garrett Superscanner is virtually eliminating the need for pat downs during weapons screenings, saving patrons from embarrassment and helping to protect security/law enforcement officers from needles and other harmful equipment. With the press of a switch the precise automatic circuitry can detect many concealed items such as: knives, guns, handcuff keys, foil wrapped drugs, box cutters, some jewellery and electronic components. The ease of operation is unmatched in any other scanner; this is because there are no other tuning or adjustments to make.

This is the unit that started the revolution in hand held security wands, it is able to pick up along its entire scanning area with great speed and efficiency. The Garrett Superscanner is extremely robust in construction.

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